Miracle days Part II – The power of an elder or How to outforce a Tremere chantry

We got 24h to catch an artifact from the chantry of clan Tremere. The artifact, the Phylacterty of Recorded Memory, is made up of a piece of granit bound with two golden threads. It stores the former owners memories so that a new owner can access those.

After a lot of debating and turning plans around we settled with storming the chantry right on. One risky part was tha Rupert realy didn´t wish to do this against the clan of his. The others then became conspicious about wether he would backstab us by telling Abetorius about our plans. We had to trust him. We relied on him to take down all magical defenses agains undead. And we needed Bael that is under his mastership. He would do that and stay away when the attack started. That way his risks would be less than ours but he would still be able to help us and share the victory. That deal was ok. And we got a go from the Michaelites. They would not interfere in our plans.

After feeding and recovering strength we stood outside the Tremere chantry, a small palace. First we found that the magic defenses at the main gate wasn´t taken down. That worried us much. Then someone attacked us from the roof. Abetorius himself stood up there. He hit Bael who got into frency following him. Now there was no turning round. We all jumped up the top of the palace at started following him. The roof was full of holes as if done after a big fight. We found one gaping wound in the roof and jumped in.

Bael have one gift to feel directions to other kindreds in a building. He soon told us in which rooms there was people. We took on what supposedly was Abetorius personal chamber. Before someone had told all to open the door gently Bael kicked it in and we had to run in.

Two gigantic stone dogs met us in fierce battle. And as that wasn´t enough a gargoyle launched an attack on us stabbing with a spear. Tagelito kept watching our backs outside the room. Simon took down the gargoyle with a mighty swordblow after I had tried to stun the creature without success. The two stone dogs where soon taken down.

We searched on and came into a huge room with a green slimy ound in the centre. One body hang chained on two crossing stones. And two persons started shooting at us with crossbows from the other side of the room. I got hit by an arrow but it just bumped of me. It all happened so quick I rely don´t remember who took the first shooter down. All I know is that I ran as fast as I could over to the second one and paralysed him with my touch. How marvelous isn´t this new power of mine. That poor bastard became a small snack for some of us. Enhancing my speed costs blood. So I needed that energy.

We released the chained man, who told us one more kindred was locked in in one of the cages in the room. We helped that one out too. They told us their names and that they where new to the city. One was a gangrel and one a nosferatu by the way. We told them to stay in the room as the rest of the house wasn´t secured.

Now there should be but one left. Abertorius. We found him in a laboratory under ground enclosed in a magical circle. William soon understood shooting arrows didn´t work that good. Some sort of protection surrounded the tremere. We tried different ways of reaching Abertorius without luck, and first we didn´t dare rushing inside the circle. In the room where two gouls that charged us, but something held them at bay. They couldn´t reach us. They dided screeming. I think Simon cleft one and Bael made a nice pile of minced meat at the florr out of one. The magician started throwing fire at us. Some got injured and we got desperate. Simon the Brave then threw himself thru the firewall around Abertorius and pushed him out of the circle. Now that we could hold him down the plan neared the end when William took the soul out of Abertorius. I didn´t see the last part as a diableie is such a sad thing. Fills me with sorrow.

I went over to the two released prisoners and told them that it was safe to go. They gave me their names and we told each other where we could meet later. I also told the nosferatu where to find his own kind.

When the diablerie was over the plan came to an end.

William where to take over Abertorius place with the help of Rupert who know the art of flesh sculpting. The artifact held by Abertorius had the memories of him so William would get a good start acting like him.

In the underground room where also two holy artifacts. We let them be there as noone dared to touch them. I found two bloodstones of which I kept one for myself. I hope to use it in my coming missions.

Now we have established a base of power in the city. Next move? I don´t know about the group, but I must have a laboratory and a hospital for research. Maybe Abertorius Secundus can help me out.

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2 Responses to Miracle days Part II – The power of an elder or How to outforce a Tremere chantry

  1. Simon says:

    Did you forget the two gargoyles that protected Abertorius? Of the mind tricks he did turning Bael against us?

  2. Obadiah Obadiah says:

    I knew I forgot something. Best Simon. How well din´t you defend us all these days. Those two gargoyles where bad indeed. I believe you cleft one of those in parts too didn´t you? Who took the other down?

    Turning Bael against us was realy wicked. He could have done us great harm. I had to paralyze the poor bastard before we would have to kill him. I guess that becoming so unprotected must be a blow to his honor. On the other side he´s still kicking.

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