Monks at our door Part I

The problems in Constantinople keeps adding themselfes up. There is a new problem. Redundancy. Things keep repeating themselfs.

Take the monks for example. A couple of nights ago someone knocked at the door at our chantry. A monk in all his garment and a well cut tonsure told us our family where welcome to Malachite two hours after midnight. I reacted at once as he designated us a family. Malachite must now see us as one. A positive sign.

Before entering the dungeouns down to the nosferatus we took some time hunting. Simon got unlucky. The woman he found had dyed her hair. That´s not good. I believe he must have blood from woman with the right color. How weird isn´t that?

We entered the small tunnels and I showed the group the shortest route. We had to push thru some newly dug holes. Gabriel started to grunt about the smell and dirt. As usual. He´s such a wimp coming to that. Now this was when things got realy strange.

The violinist in turqouise

First we heard laughter coming from the tunnels all around us. Moments later our path was blocked by a man sitting down, playing a violine, clad in turquoise clothings. He played improvised music. At least I think so. It sounded horrible. Next we heard werewolfs howling in the tunnels. I thought the man had drawn them down towards us. The man wouldn´t let go of the violine as I struggled to take it away from him. It only rendered me feeling numb, lost and crippled by apathy. I couldn´t guide the gang anymore. Rupert used his powers to dominate me and succeeded for just a moment. Enough to get me out of the trance pointing the way towards Malachite. We ran.

One of the obstacles we got in our way was the same stinking sewer we handled the first day in Constantinople. We had to get over it. Simon had to throw Rupert over. He used all his strength and away Rupert went. Right down the slime. Simon just stood there saying: -“I missed!” Rupert was sure of that. I believe someone summoned me over as I couldn´t take any initiative myself. My clothing won´t stop smelling even after the third wash. Now we where met by Malachites minions.

Malachite bid us welcome and we settled down for some chat. He told us he needed us, our family, to do something important. We set up a pact. When we asked him about the violine player and werewolfes in his underground domaines he looked much surprised. He had no information about anything like that. And he sure would know about such a strange things.

We travelled back to our havens with a lot of new questions unanswered. Next night would make us even more confused.


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