A bad introduction

I´m a little bit ashamed. Suddenly I realise my knowledge in etiquette is poor. Things just doesn´t work like they did in Salerno. Yesternight I made a fool of myself, and I didn´t see it coming.

Two nights ago I had to hunt, and as it had gone so bad before I took to hunt rats again. But this time I must have got realy bad blood. My belly started to give away loud noices, and from both ends came burps and… You know! Embarrasing. Even more embarrasing was the fact that we all had to meet with the city prefect Belisarius oc clanVentrue. Simon was happy as he would now have an opportunity to establish himself in town and set up businnes.

We arrived at the palace where Belisarius ruled. Led in thru great korridors flanked with soldiers we soon arrived in a huge hall. Belisarius where awaiting us. On the way I had nearly smashed an ancient urn of some kind, but that was just a minor incident.

We all introduced ourself. Problem was all my body sounds that interupted all time. And when my turn came to tell the prefect who I am I stood up, laid my hand on his sholder and called him friend, like I have always done with people I admire. Belisarius didn´t return the gesture and by the look of Williams face I must have done something wrong. Maybe a little to best friend style to fit the situation. I´ve now been told to treat all these leaders as kings until they say something else. So I didn´t impress much. But Abetorius told us a lot about the power structures in the city. Most important the fact that clans didn´t matter as much as families, congregations of different clans. We also learnt about the triad that had ruled the city since beginning. Three ancient vampires of which one seem to have vanished, one maybe gone mad and one maybe still in town. Next meeting went bether.

Abetorius seemed a little bit more relaxed, even though his clan don´t have any fixed status in town. During a couple of hours we learnt to know eachother. He told us about clan Tremeres situation in town. For the moment they where on hunt after two persons. The most important is a Salubri. I´ve been told they are souleaters and realy bad stuff. The other is a Tremere gone rough, Teresia Cyrene. We all promised help Abetorius in the hunt. And so I and Bael went down the sewers to talk with Malachai, if possible.

Bael the Gargoyle - Isak Stenberg

Bael the Gargoyle. Drawing: Isak Stenberg

What happened next was that we met a man with a torch in one hand and a sabre in the other. A big crucifix hanging around his neck. He called us a lot of bad names and started to threaten us. Bael that had sworn to defend me attacked. But as he got hit with the torch he screemed like a little girl and fled. So I stood there not sure what to do. Then cam to my mind the idea of drawing my knife and use it. In the fight that followed I gave the hunter some bad injuries. He tried to stab me but I must have gone impenetrable during this last year. And when I saw the end of the battle, Bael reappeared, rushing pass me and tearing the por guy apart in small peices. Those nasty claws worked well as butcher knifes.

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2 Responses to A bad introduction

  1. Simon says:

    We are currently looking for three vampires. The Salubri that most likely dwells in torpor/sleep or something like it. AVentrue that cooperate with the savage Gangrel to challenge a city prefect for power. And a rogue Tremere if My memory serves.

    We actually fought some kind of astral-wolf-beasts in the catacombs under the city.

  2. Obadiah Obadiah says:

    Yes. I forgot the ventrue. Didn´t thought ventrues was that important. I weren´t with you fighting the astral-wolf-beast. Guess you managed. What´s an astral-wolf-beast? We didn´t have those in Salerno, and none of my schoolbooks ever mentioned some.

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