Monthly Archives: January 2012

The new chantry and a triumf

We arrived at the old chantry early in the night to find it compromised by at least two forces. Claw marks and clan symbols littered the rooms. That felt bad. But the worst happened when we found out that someone … Continue reading

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A calm night

This was a rather serene night. Bael had to hunt. His thirst is gross. So he tried hunting in town instead of hunting cows at farmyards outside the walls. He really did well. A couple of times. Then he was … Continue reading

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The old chantry gathering – a fight to remember

Three in our group gathered in the chantry of clan Tremere. The chantry leader Abertorius, Bael the Gargoyle and Obadiah of Salerno. The talk of the day cirkled around the future of the clan in the city, contacts in the … Continue reading

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Obadiah feeling heavenly!

From now on I fear nothing! In my mind I can´t see anything that would realy hurt me. For what is flesh but nothing. Agony and pain won´t have any power over me. Now I can succéed in my mission … Continue reading

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New meeting with Malachai

Thinking something like feeling secure among Nosferatus might seem foolish. But I do. Relatively speeking that is. I met Malachai down his underground empire lastnight. I believe we have some interests in common. I´m sure he, as every kindred I´ve … Continue reading

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My new dress

During my last months I´ve earnt some money. I bought this dress for the colder months. The style is germanic. The hat have a particular long pin and is made of calf skin tainted with golddust. I think this will … Continue reading

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Darkness in midst of night

As we where on our way to leave the Ventrue feast we all got invitations to the Silk Road establishment. The name give you a feeling of something smooth, oriental and mystical. The reality is quite something else. I´ve met … Continue reading

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Ventrue feast at The Golden Reception Hall

We arrived at The Golden Reception Hall, the bathhouse Chrysotriklinos, early one night. The invitation had been sent to all of us in the group and we gathered outside before entering. well inside we got presented to Grand old ventrue … Continue reading

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Medicine and friends

1198 is closing in. Six months have gone by since I arrived at Constantinople. The two most important things that´s happened is that I met a merchant that is now one of my better friends in this town. It started … Continue reading

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The emperor and I

I´m learning a lot about the city. By night I walk along the streets and talk to those I meet. The city is fascinating. A rich history, grand architecture and a lot of more or less mad rulers. The ruler … Continue reading

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