Miracle days Part I – The woman of my life and who I might be

Tonight I met the woman of my life. How mysterious. How wonderful.

It all started with me getting together with our band again. They told me about a fight in the sewers against some strange spectral dogs. Later they met up with Theresa Kymena. William hade read her and told us she was the rouge Tremere we where looking for. We where supposed to take care of her at once, but by not doing that we would have a lot to answere for in from of Tremere later. I agreed by the choice the others did then.

We also got information about a Ventrue helena that had gone against Belisarius. Probably planning to make a coupe against him together with some turkish Gangrels. We believe she´s a generation six or seven. But we are leaving her for now.

When we came together this night we had some time to hunt before walking down the gutters again. I dried some rats, Simon hunted at Gabriels pleasure house and the rest fed the way they usually do. Bael found a cow.

Then on we went. Down the sewers we walked thru tunnels of mud, stone and bricks. In the end of a tunnel we found a door. We opened it, and now it started to become very weird.

We found ourselfes standing on a path thru a field with green grass. The sun shining at us, surrounded by a beautiful landscape. And we didn´t die. The sun didn´t heart us at all. It even made us look more human, more alive.

I tried to find out if this was all an illusion. So I picked up a fist sized stone and read it. It was a miracle. This one stone contained the knowledge of libraries. Didn´t tell much about the reality but it took the breath out of me. As we walked along I tried to find out more about this artifact and so I must have missed a lot. So the others say.

We came in front of a gateway. As someone tried to go thru we where under attack. William cloked us, I was told. Bael and Simon started defending us. I didn´t know we where cloked so I managed to uncloke myself by just waving the torch I held in hand and got attacked. Bael took down two of the attackers. Simon one. These creatures looked like slimmer versions of gargoyles. Trying to hit us with stone clubs. Realy barbarian.

On the other side of the gate we walked along the pathway and soon came to a fork. Two ways to choose between. Now we had a divine interuption. A flaming bush talked to us. It told us to chosse wisely between the three choices we had. We could go back, and then forget all about this day. We could follow his path to the right and try reach Golconda. I´m still trying to figure out what that is. Or we could choose the left path and still leave the life behind, but not in search of Golconda.

We found out by questions that the speeker was noone else but Achmed, a follower of Saulot, a Salubri. I was sure he must be one with Jahwe so I chose the right path. Of course. Theresa Kymena came and joined me. So I understood my choice was the right one. And now I met her for real for the first time in my life. She´s a goddess. How strange those markings in her skin. She´s the girl in my dreams.

This choice of path divided our group. Noone wished to go back, but Rupert with his gargoyle Bael and Tagelito choosed to take the left path. But as we walked down our different paths we soon found ourself standing in the same great hall. A giant library.

A huge figure in a black cloak seemed to hover above the ground holding a huge book. He opened the book and we had to ask him questions about what we wished to find here. Most of us wished to get knowledge about the powers we have. Some in the group where directed to books including knowledge. But instead of answering my wishes I was made sure I had knowledge waiting for me. And so he stuck a book in my hands I had to study.

And now I know who I am and that just give me more questions. I found some hidden powers including the knowledge how to use them. That would later save the day for me. I also had time to talk with Teresa again in the library. What a wonderful day.

I also understand Tremere won´t find our choice of path that wonderful. William is a little nervous about this. I guess Rupert also have his doubts. I know now I must find allies of my own outside our band as everyone else has (except Bael, poor bastard, who is but a dog of Ruperts).

We walked out of the library and in to the normal reality. Found a place to sleep in and soon another day came by.

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