The old chantry gathering – a fight to remember

Three in our group gathered in the chantry of clan Tremere. The chantry leader Abertorius, Bael the Gargoyle and Obadiah of Salerno. The talk of the day cirkled around the future of the clan in the city, contacts in the city, work to do and the future of the chantry building.

Just after the talk had begun We all felt a strange presence. Bael touched the wall and detected something huge  crawling on the roof of the building.

Abertorius fell to the floor just after telling us to guard his body. Afterwards he made us understand he had tried to battle the creature up there. It had failed.

A lupin

One of these we fought

Bael then did, as he allways does, jumped up, flew thru the ceiling and began battling whatever was up there.

I and Abertorius joined just some seconds later. My first try to reach the opening in the ceiling didn´t work out that great. I really must practise on jumping high. We saw Bael getting beaten up realy bad. Close to incapacitated he managed to fly away. He left us two non fighters to battle the huge creature. It was the lupin I then remembered being wispered about in the streets.

This was the first indication of my power. I just bounced the big wolf to the ground. Abertorius then started to shoot arrows of silver at the beast wounding him badly. Sadly to say we lost him as he fled among the small streets.

The day ended in more talks about enemies and the future of the chantry which secrets now seemed comprimised.

Abertorius and Bael told me about Helena the Armenian, child to Belisarius, and her contact with turkish gangrels. Sounds bad. She might be after her sire Belisarius, the oldest Ventrue in town, to rule in his place. But Belisarius is defended by no other than Shaba, a female assamite. Some in our group had previously rescued a lasombra girl from the prison of Shaba. Shaba had told the group not to tell Belisarius about helena trying to get him out of the way. Helene has some kind of hook on Shaba. It´s very confusing.

We decided to talk about these things the next day. But it would take one more day until we could.

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